The Dawn of First Direct: Pioneering Customer-Centric Banking
I started working at First Direct when it had just opened. It was an exciting time, but not without its challenges. Looking back at how much it changed the banking industry makes it clear just how far it was ahead of its time.
The most visible thing being the fact that it was a bank which has never closed since it opened in 1989 (at a time when most banks shut at 3.30 and were completely absent at weekends), but to my mind the really revolutionary thing about First Direct was the fact that the whole business, including the IT systems, were built around the customer.
I still talk to businesses today 35 years later who struggle to get beyond an account or transaction-based view and still haven’t delivered a complete view of customer information to drive a great customer experience.
In my opinion that is one of the key reasons why First Direct always had customer satisfaction ratings far above any other financial organisation (of course delivered by excellent banking representatives which was another key ingredient).
I worked in the Information Management area, and we delivered ground-breaking models and systems which put most lending decision in the hands of front-line call centre staff which meant quick decisions and immediate access to the credit granted and saved lengthy wait times being transferred to specialist teams for most people.