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30 May 2024 / Opinion

How to unlock PPC success for smaller retailers

Dave Wood / Managing Director of Innovation & Technology

Smaller retailers often face a variety of challenges when it comes to running effective PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns. Limited budgets, lack of expertise, fierce competition, and difficulty in tracking a return on investment (ROI) are just a few hurdles they must navigate. Here are the most common:

1. Limited budgets

Small retailers frequently contend with tight budgets compared to their larger counterparts. To compete effectively, they must prioritise spending on high-impact keywords and target audiences strategically. Long-tail keywords, niche markets, and geo-targeting can help stretch the budget further while still reaching relevant customers.

High impact keywords are those that are likely to generate valuable results for the client. They could have high search volume or are highly relevant to their target audience and have a good conversion rate. We use our Keyword module to rank keywords based on our Bayesian probability algorithms and then through various methods including our proprietary tech and online tools like IBM Watson’s NLP API.

Starting with audiences that drive client value Decision is looking to use its data source to drive both growth and efficiency. The Domino's case study is a great example of how it did both based on new data sets and audiences at different hours of the day.

2. Lack of expertise

Without dedicated marketing teams or experienced PPC specialists, small businesses may struggle to create and optimise campaigns effectively. Investing in training for existing staff or outsourcing to PPC experts or agencies can provide the expertise needed to drive better results and maximise ROI.

3. Competitive landscape

In industries where larger companies dominate PPC advertising, smaller retailers must focus on differentiation and niche targeting. Emphasising unique selling points, niche products, or local markets can help carve out a competitive advantage and attract valuable leads without the need for massive ad spend.

4. Ad performance and ROI

Crafting compelling ad copy, optimising landing pages, and refining targeting strategies are essential for driving higher click-through and conversion rates. Small retailers should regularly review and tweak their campaigns based on performance data to improve ROI and minimise wasted ad spend.

5. Ad fatigue

To combat ad fatigue, small retailers should rotate ad creatives regularly, test different messaging and visuals, and refresh targeting parameters. Automation tools can help streamline this process, ensuring that ads remain engaging and effective over time.

6. Difficulty in tracking and measurement

Investing in robust tracking and analytics tools is crucial for accurately measuring the performance of PPC campaigns. Small retailers should leverage tools like Google Analytics and conversion tracking to monitor key metrics and make data-driven decisions to optimise campaign performance.

7. Quality score and ad rank

Maintaining a high-quality score is essential for achieving favourable ad placements and lower cost per clicks (CPCs). Small retailers can improve quality scores by ensuring ad relevance, optimising landing pages, and refining targeting to maximise click-through rates and user engagement.

8. Time constraints

Managing PPC campaigns requires ongoing monitoring, adjustment, and optimisation. Small retailers should allocate dedicated time for campaign management or consider outsourcing to PPC experts who can efficiently manage campaigns while freeing up internal resources to focus on core business activities.



How to overcome these challenges

With the right strategies and resources, smaller retailers can overcome these to unlock the full potential of PPC advertising. Decision from Jaywing offers a powerful solution. By leveraging advanced algorithms, machine learning, and expert insights, Decision empowers retailers to maximise the effectiveness of their PPC campaigns, drive better results, and achieve their growth objectives within budget constraints.

Saving time and resources

With Decision handling the day-to-day management of PPC campaigns, small retailers can save valuable time and resources. By automating routine tasks such as bid management, ad optimisation, and performance tracking, Decision allows retailers to focus on other aspects of their business while still achieving optimal campaign results.

Getting the most out of your budget

Decision leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning to optimize PPC campaign budgets effectively. By automatically adjusting bids based on performance data and budget constraints, Decision ensures that small retailers get the most out of their limited budget, focusing spending on high-impact keywords and audiences.

Minimal expertise required

With Decision, small retailers gain access to Jaywing’s team of PPC experts without the need for hiring dedicated specialists. Decision’s intelligent automation streamlines campaign management, from keyword selection to ad copy optimisation, empowering retailers to achieve better results with minimal expertise required.

Maintaining a competitive edge

Decision helps small retailers stay competitive in crowded markets by identifying untapped opportunities and optimising campaign strategies in real-time. By continuously monitoring competitor activity and market trends, Decision ensures that retailers can adapt quickly and maintain a competitive edge.

Making informed decisions

Decision’s data-driven approach enables small retailers to improve ad performance and ROI by automatically testing and optimising ad creatives, landing pages, and targeting parameters. By analysing performance metrics and identifying areas for improvement, Decision helps retailers make informed decisions that drive better results.

Maintaining relevance and effectiveness

To combat ad fatigue, Decision employs sophisticated ad rotation strategies and dynamic ad creative optimisation. By automatically refreshing ad content and targeting parameters based on user behaviour and engagement, Decision ensures that retailers can maintain ad relevance and effectiveness over time.

Measuring performance

Decision provides small retailers with comprehensive tracking and analytics capabilities, allowing them to accurately measure the performance of their PPC campaigns. With detailed insights into key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI, Decision enables retailers to make data-driven decisions that maximise campaign effectiveness.

Better ad placements and lower CPCs

Decision helps small retailers improve quality scores and ad ranks by optimising ad relevance, landing page quality, and expected click-through rates. By identifying areas for improvement and automatically implementing optimisation strategies, Decision ensures that retailers can achieve better ad placements and lower CPCs.


Case Study: How Retailer Euro Car Parts used Decision to reduce PPC spend


Euro Car Parts approached Jaywing with a challenge: how to mitigate the cannibalisation of organic search results by PPC activity. With an emphasis on optimising their digital presence, Euro Car Parts sought to ensure that their PPC efforts complemented, rather than competed with, their organic search rankings.


To address this challenge, Jaywing focused on Car Filter terms, which were identified as prime candidates for the test due to their high organic rankings. Leveraging Decision AI, Jaywing implemented a dynamic strategy that automated the activation and deactivation of PPC keywords based on the organic ranking of specific terms. For instance, if Euro Car Parts held the top spot in organic search results for a keyword such as "Air Filter," the corresponding PPC keyword would be deactivated. Conversely, if the organic ranking slipped, the PPC keyword would be reactivated.


The implementation of Decision AI yielded significant results for Euro Car Parts. By strategically managing PPC keywords in alignment with organic rankings, the company experienced a substantial reduction in PPC spend. Moreover, this approach led to a notable increase in site traffic driven by organic search, as the absence of PPC ads allowed organic results to capture traffic that was previously cannibalised by PPC campaigns.

Key outcomes:

  • Significant reduction in PPC spend.
  • Noticeable increase in site traffic driven by organic search.

Cost per acquisitions (CPAs) decreased by 39% year-over-year (YoY), reflecting the effectiveness of the holistic approach that considers both PPC and organic search performance.


Ready to unlock PPC success for your small retail business like Euro Car Parts did?

Take the next step with Decision from Jaywing and watch your campaigns thrive.

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