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14 March 2024 / Opinion

Exploring Audience Targeting and Insights in Modern Marketing

Hannah McNally / Paid Media Director

With the rise of digital platforms and advanced technologies, marketers now have access to a wealth of data and tools to help them identify, analyse, and engage with their target demographics with laser-focus accuracy. One such tool that has gained prominence in recent years is audience targeting and insights platforms.

These platforms utilise a combination of data sources, including social media, web browsing behaviour, and even television viewership data, to create detailed audience profiles. By analysing real-time data, marketers can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences, interests, and behaviours - unveiling the what, why, and how of your ideal customer. By integrating these platforms with campaign activation tools, marketers can craft hyper-targeted campaigns that fuel engagement and conversions.

Armed with these, you can:

  • Capitalise on real-time intel: Stay agile and adjust your strategies quickly to capitalise on emerging trends, even in complex, evolving market conditions.
  • Seamlessly integrate audience insights with campaign activation: Insights alone won’t grow your brand. Directly apply your knowledge to your advertising efforts by fine-tuning your campaigns, from targeting and messaging to creative elements, ensuring maximum impact.
  • Segment smarter: Compare audience segments and identify key differences and similarities between various demographics. By understanding how different audience groups engage with content and respond to marketing messages, you can identify unique preferences and tailor your approach for a truly personalised experience.

Jaywing offers powerful audience data, designed to provide businesses with comprehensive insights into television viewership and TV consumption trends. With our audience data, brands can uncover valuable insights that inform their advertising strategies, content development, and overall marketing efforts.

This allows us to analyse consumer behaviour, track trends, and compare audience segments, you can create more personalised and impactful marketing campaigns that don’t just look great, but drive tangible business results.

As technology continues to advance and consumer behaviour evolves, the role of audience targeting and insights in marketing will only become more critical for businesses looking to stay ahead in a competitive marketplace.

Ready to unlock the power of audience targeting and insights for your marketing strategy?

Contact us to discover how our data-driven solutions can help you reach and engage your target audience effectively.