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Data Science

Our data science approach delivers unbiased insights into channel contributions, offers a macro view of performance influencers, enables personalised communications, employs modeling for incrementality, and facilitates data-driven decision-making for stakeholders.


Measuring effectiveness is notoriously difficult. We’ve spent the last 20 years turning a fine art into an exact science. Our effectiveness experts start by building a comprehensive set of data. Then they create bespoke measurement solutions to better understand how marketing and other factors drive demand.  Followed by detailed insights, positive actions and future spend scenarios so that you can maximise ROI. How effective are we at effectiveness? The numbers are impressive. We typically deliver marketing budget efficiencies of 20%. 

Insight & Experience 

Each of your customers has their own unique story written in the data of each interaction. Plot twist: many organisations simply don’t make the most of this vital information. By capturing all the first party data available, we can start to understand your customer’s stories, uncovering what they love about you (and what they don’t). Because when you know that, talking to individual customers becomes much easier. Not to mention much more rewarding. Personalised experiences generate loyalty and value. We help you get up close and personal with the people that matter most. 

AI & Modelling 

Most businesses are awash with data. So much so that it’s often hard to see the wood for the trees. How do you get to the numbers that tell the real story? The ones that will help you make key decisions? Insight is about making sure you’re capturing data that gets to the heart of the narrative - around your customers and your business.  Our advanced AI modelling might be complex, but its objective is simple: to give you a privileged look into the future. Giving you a rounded view of how your customers will behave and where your business is heading. Putting you firmly in control of your own destiny. 

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